Blueberry girl

Blueberry girl

av Neil Gaiman,


This is a prayer for a blueberry girl . . .> A much-loved baby grows into a young woman: brave, adventurous, and lucky. Exploring, traveling, bathed in sunshine, surrounded by the wonders of the world. What every new parent or parent-to-be dreams of for her child, what every girl dreams of for herself.> Let me go places that we've never been, trust and delight in her youth.> Nationally bestselling author Neil Gaiman wrote "Blueberry Girl" for a friend who was about to become the mother of a little girl. Here, he and beloved illustrator Charles Vess turn this deeply personal wish for a new daughter into a book that celebrates the glory of growing up: a perfect gift for girls embarking on all the journeys of life, for their parents, and for everyone who loves them.> Give her all these and a little bit more, gifts for a blueberry girl.

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