The Nerdrum school

The Nerdrum school

av Inger Schjoldager,


Dette er en fantastisk flott bok med bilder av Odd Nerdrum og 80 av hans elever. Rikt illustrert med over 500 bilder. det er oppsiktsvekkende å se hvor mange kunstnere som har latt seg inspirere av sin læremester. ?For the last four decades, Odd Nerdrum has been, in that sense, a necessary artist?not because he towers at the forefront of world acclaim or because his work engages contemporary issues in distinctly contemporary visual terms. On the contrary, he has been?by his own account and in keeping with his own wish?the odd man out. Most viewers and most art-world professionals have regarded him as simply too talented and too famous to ignore, and yet too contrarian to embrace. In his long rough gown, Nerdrum has stood at the door of art?s Temple, so to speak, like a prophet reminding us of our artistic derelictions and sins.?

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